Saturday, June 2, 2012

Re DK s current post and this comment

 "James50 said...
I think about putting people to work and expanding our company all the time. The biggest roadblocks are contained in the regulatory apparatus of the government and the uncertainties created by our over-spending and dysfunctional political system. You speak of further government expansion as a way to address the needs of the community. But what I see on the ground every day is that government is the enemy of the expansion of production and the enemy of wealth creation in communities. The large companies hire lobbyists and revolving door regulators to get their way. In medium and small business, we are expected to make our way through a thicket of regulations. There is no way to keep track of all of them. Sometimes I think they are put there by the “big boys” as a way to keep down competition. I know they are a source of constant fear and anxiety for people like me.

Others have pointed out that investment in long term assets (>20 years) is 50% of what it should be and is the main reason our economy continues to suffer such large unemployment. Government creates uncertainty at every level. Can anyone say what tax policy will be in the future? Can anyone know the long term effects of the vast expansion of the money supply in the last 5 years? What will our health care system morph into? You want government to get bigger, but it seems that only increases its dysfunction. The evidence right before our eyes is that more government makes things worse not better.

David, I am not sure what the answers are, but think your analysis is too much rooted in a past that will never return. Government this large and powerful is inherently corrupt and corrupting."

Great and revealing comment.
This is the kind of frustration one gets from a system designed to do little, and to spread power out, originally only among 13, but then eventually through fifty, states.

It was not a system designed to pull together, but rather, perhaps, designed, if anything, when it hit the fan, to pull amicably, or at least peacably,apart.

That was not how Lincoln and some others interpreted it, however.

Certainly Texas always retained a right to secede, and who could have blamed them, given what each and all states faced?

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