Sunday, May 27, 2012

Re Galactic: There are two types of people, those who say there are two types of people and those who don't

This is a writer who comments on DKs blog.  He has an entertaining dribble here:

"Living always in my head and not in my heart I have always tried to categorize people and figure out myself and others through anaylsis, like ethnic or racial background, or working class vs. academic or relgious roots or the psychoanaylsis trip (mother and father relationships, etc.). This is perhaps typically male and intellectual (another analysis unfortunately) Lastly I found astrology and even that is sick in a sense, like you can finally ignore race, etc. but then say to yourself, "typical pisces, etc." 

This all reminds me of the joke "There are two types of people, those who say there are two types of people and those who don't".

We can all use what we are and have become for the good or for the worse of society, for others or for our greed. This is a free choice. and we can blame our failure or our sins on a bad past or a bad horoscope ("the fault lies not in our stars but in ourselves horatio"). But we tend to group ourselves into black , white, female, rich, poor and make identity politics to increase our power against others. Start talking Soc. Security and you get old people up in arms, etc. Talk to me about minority, women's or gay rights and I will become more than likely dismissive as a white male until you hit some point where the rich are taking my job away and I see common cause with minorites or other oppressed. So we have to "walk a mile in the other's moccassins" to get the picture. It certainly helps to be around other people from other perspectives (have kids and a long suffering working wife, have gays, blacks, (and even a rich and harried boss), etc. at work or as neighbours) to feel for them and break down barriers. A multi-culti childhood and then such a marriage as I have lived through is great and living abroad. still if the heart is not open then it doesn't bring much but mental structures building up on each others more theory without any true understanding and "love of your neighbour"."

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