Saturday, October 9, 2010


Let's sketch briefly one image here that must resonate across God's country.

The story still being told is that if only more clever entrepreneurs would come forward, and create, that things would improve drastically overnight.

One problem with this frankly utopian propaganda chimera, has to do with the stubborn refusal of banks, now fat from federal money from the bailout, to get back to lending in the marketplace, ostensibly because of all the super high risk kinds of businesses out there, like restaurants, bars, discos, retail of all kinds, etc, etc., whereas doctors' offices, lawyers, less so ostensibly.

Thus, our Maverick is starved of good old fashioned grub.

Mis En scene for a cartoon:

We show the Maverick Executive Thurston Macaire, inside a bank lobby, at a teller window. He is dressed in a bedraggled wide striped seersucker suit and tie, but with cowboy boots, a ten gallon hat, and a gun belt visible.

The sign above the window says 'Entrepreneurs' Window'. He is at it.

He's got his big six shooter pulled from its holster, and trained on a bitter looking middle aged looking well dressed woman with horn rimmed glasses and a boufant behind the window. She is disgusted, but appears unphased by this confrontation, as if it happens every day.

The caption above:
The Maverick Executive's Stimulus Package

The one below, which he is saying:

"Never Mind What I want It For.
It's Going To A Good Cause."

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