Most all Americans are in a sort of somnambulist dream land about their actual history.
Let's just briefly advert to one of my favorite periods in American history, which demonstrates so many aspects of our problems so well: the so called Reconstruction Period.
"The winner of the election on November 8 will attempt to govern a nation far more divided than at any time since late 1860, when the nation broke up." DK
We are not that divided, relatively speaking.
There is this terrible faux media frenzy that Trump won't accept, and perhaps would even challenge, as Gore did, the election result.
Let's just talk about a time, which went on for a long time, after 1865, and certainly after 1860, in the post Bellum South, a byword for corrupt elections, when freed black people, who often back then couldn't read, were put in office in state and local governments, by Northern carpetbaggers and skalawags, all over the defeated South, with Northern military force.
A nation divided, much more than now, by no means ended in 1865, or even in 1877, when the Republican Radicals were defeated.
Most of you no doubt think, 'he can't be right about this'. I want to give you a reference, to a book, and chapter, in a well respected, even handed, prominent, 20th Century historian of that period.
Look at J G Randall, The Civil War And Reconstruction, 1937, Ch XXXVII.